Hi, I’m Darby Bailey. I help Reimagine Creativity and Business with AI and Home Spaceonomics

Discover Your Creative Edge with AI. 
Start Your Journey Today.

Unlock Tools and Strategies to Build AI-Driven Homes and Businesses.

Join the Movement Bridging Earth and Beyond.
Join 15k+ creators and futurists in designing a future where AI and human creativity thrive together.

Transform Your Home and Business with AI-Driven Creativity

Empower Workflows with AI

Empower Workflows with AI

Tailored software to meet your unique business needs, enhancing efficiency and growth. This is a growing library that I hope will help people transition to their optimum life in the age of AI.

Children playing with illuminated educational gadgets in a dimly lit room.

Reimagine Home Economics

Explore Home Spaceonomics, a framework that reimagines home economics for Earth, the Moon, and beyond.  Learn how to innovate your living spaces with elements of the global homestead that will bridge the cultural divide between earth and off-earth living. 

Three people tending to indoor plants under a grow light, holding papers and a tablet.

Create, Build, and Inspire

Harness AI to enhance your storytelling, music, and multimedia projects. Whether you're designing for fashion, space exploration, or education, bring your vision to life with tools that optimize for creativity, play and family cohesion.

Explore My Projects

Illustrated robot with a mechanical body and colorful patterns on a background of sketches and diagrams.


Solar-powered garden robots that manage static electricity with innovative fashion fabrics

Person in a shimmering futuristic outfit and helmet with a sparkling visor, standing against a mountainous backdrop.

Mameen Music

Musician alter ego

Find Mameen on Apple Music


Digital, paper and mixed media art spanning a 15-year arts practice

See Darby's Art

The Home Spaceonomics Commonplace Newsletter

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woman in brown sweater using macbook pro

Hi–I'm Darby Bailey and I help humans maintain their essence and creativity in an AI-driven world, championing culture, futurism and the arts.

[ An open letter to anyone feeling overwhelmed by AI ]

With 30+ years in tech and arts, I guide humans to:

  • Use AI without losing that creative spark
  • Navigate the "digital sidewalk" where human ingenuity meets AI
  • Explore how AI can amplify, not replace, human creativity

Whether you're an artist, professional, or curious mind, let's find our human-AI harmony together.

Join the Commonplace community today and take the first step towards a more focused, productive, and empowered relationship with A.I.

More About Me

Whether you're an educator, parent, working professional, or simply curious about the future, I'm here to support you on your AI journey. Let's embrace an exciting future together, and unlock the potential of artificial intelligence in our lives.

Stay rare, human.

XO, Darby

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